Boids and Coffee was developed during the "Next Reality" seminar, supervised by Prof. Stefan Neudecker and Clemens Kujawski. The focus was on Unity and C# coding, culminating in a project deployed on the Microsoft HoloLens 2. My goal was to explore Boid-based swarm intelligence programming and adapt swarm behavior to spatial conditions.
Boids, a concept from Craig Reynolds' 1980s research, simulate bird flocking through three simple rules: Separation: Avoid overcrowding. Alignment: Match the movement of nearby Boids. Cohesion: Move toward the group's center.
In this project, a swarm of simple, blocky Boids obsessively follows a coffee cup in a virtual environment. The scene features a monolith with the cup on top, surrounded by cubes and a sphere. The cup can be picked up and moved, influencing the swarm’s behavior.
In 2025, I began porting the project to the Quest 3, prioritizing functionality and interaction over aesthetics, which deliberately have a rough, "trashy" look. The title humorously references the "Cats and Coffee" trend. The coffee cup can be picked up with both hands, while two chairs can be rotated and moved along the X and Z axes.
"Our destiny is not frightening because it is unreal; it is frightening because it is irreversible and unyielding. Time is a river that carries me away, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire."
(Jorge Luis Borges, 1952)
Singing: Lilly Gocht (Jazz Singing)
Dance: Kanna Mori (Contemporary Dance)
Project Management: Enya Alma Obert
Costume Design: B’atriz Creaciones (Cologne)
Photography: Kimberly Jüschke