Workshop "TouchDesigner Basics"

Workshop "TouchDesigner Basics"

As part of my initiative to foster creative and technical skill development, I took the lead in organizing and securing approval for a specialized workshop while also designing the promotional poster for the event titled "TouchDesigner Basics" .

The two-day workshop took place on August 10 and 11, 2023, and was open to all students in the Design Department at Folkwang University of the Arts. Led by Berlin-based artist Bileam Tschepe, also known as elekktronaut, the workshop introduced the fundamentals of TouchDesigner, enabling participants to continue developing their skills independently. TouchDesigner is a powerful and versatile tool, providing a strong foundation for interdisciplinary work within the university. It is widely used for live performances, image and video processing, installations, dance and music visualization, Arduino integration, real-time visuals, and complex digital systems. Once students gain their first experience with the software, its potential benefits extend across all fields at Folkwang University.

Bileam Tschepe specializes in creating audio-reactive, interactive, and organic digital artworks, collaborating with and teaching people worldwide.

project type
Poster Design
Project date

"Our destiny is not frightening because it is unreal; it is frightening because it is irreversible and unyielding. Time is a river that carries me away, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire."

(Jorge Luis Borges, 1952)


Singing: Lilly Gocht (Jazz Singing)

Dance: Kanna Mori (Contemporary Dance)

Project Management: Enya Alma Obert

Costume Design: B’atriz Creaciones (Cologne)

Photography: Kimberly Jüschke

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